31 octubre 2011

Kawaii Devil

Supplies Needed: 
Tube of choice. I am using one by Lady Mishka, you can purchase the tube: here
Scrap kit Boo Halloween (FTU) by: Bibi here
Mask by Tonya from: Creative Misfits here
Font here

Open a new image: 600x600
Floodfill with white.
Open: Candy roll. Copy - Paste, as a new layer. Resize at 50 - Smart Size.
Go to: Effects - Plugins - Mura's Meister - Copies:

Select your ellipse tool. Foreground color: none. Background color: any. Create as a vector.
make an ellipse like this:

If you're happy with the size convert to raster layer. 
Selections - Select All - Float - Defloat.
Open the paper Boo Paper (3), Copy - Paste, as a new layer. 
Selections -Invert. Edit - Clear.  Now you can eliminate the shape but don't deselect.
Selections -Invert. 
Open the closeup of the tube. Copy - Paste, as a new layer. Selections -Invert. 
Modify - Expand: 5. Edit - Clear and deselect. 
Change the blend mode to: Luminance (Legacy) and low the opacity to: 50

Open: Glitter grey. Copy - Paste, as a new layer. 
Layers - Load mask: HalloweenGlowingPumpkinsMaskbyTonya - Merge group. 
Send the layer to the bottom, above the white background.

Open, Copy - Paste, as a new layer and resize these elements from the kit:
Rainbow lights
Boton Boo Halloween
pendente heart black

Apply Sharpen to the elements and Drop shadow:
V: 0 H: 2
O: 55 B: 3

I've used these elements above the mask layer:
Chakira splash
splash and stars green

Open - Copy - Paste your tube as new layer. Resize if need it. 
Move it to the left side of your tag.
Apply Drop shadow:
V: -1 H: 4
O: 40 B: 7

Add your name and copyright. If you want a non animate tag, save now as jpg or png.
To animate:

Activate the close up layer
Effects - Artistic Effects - Glowing Edges:
Intensity: 2
Sharpness: 25

Edit - Copy Merged. 
Open Animation Shop. Paste as a new animation. Back to psp. 
Edit - Undo. Apply Glowing Edges again but change the: Intensity to: 1.
Copy merged and Paste after current frame. Repeat the steps changing the 
Intensity to: 4, 5 and 3. 
In Animation Shop you should have 5 frames.  Edit - Select all. 
Animation - Frame Propieties: change to 21.

 Play animation.
If you like it save as gif.
You're done!

25 octubre 2011

The doll knows

Supplies Needed: 
Tube of choice. I am using one from Sky's Scraps. You can purchase the tube: here
Scrap kit Scream for me (PTU) by: Witchysheart. You can purchase it here
Mask 222 by Weescotslass: here
Font here

Open a new image: 600x600. Flood fill with white.
Open: WH-Frame #2. Copy - Paste as new layer. Resize at 50 - Smart Size. Duplicate.
Arrange the frames in your canvas, select the frame from the left 
and make a selection with your selection tool:

Edit - Clear. Deselect. Hide the background layer.
With your magic wand click inside of the frames (holding SHIFT in your keyboard)
Selections - Modify - Expand: 5. 
Open: WH-Paper #6. Copy - Paste as a new layer. Move it below the frames.
Selections - Invert. Edit - Clear. Deselect. 

Open: WH-Paper #9. Copy - Paste as a new layer. 
Layers - Load mask: WSL_Mask222 - Merge group. Move it below the frames and paper layer.

Open: WH-Blood Splatter #2. Copy - Paste as a new layer. Resize at 50 - Smart Size.
Arrange it in the right corner.

Open: WH-Blood Splatter #3. Copy - Paste as a new layer. Resize at 50 - Smart Size.
Arrange it in the left corner.
Open: WH-Ghost #2.Copy - Paste as a new layer between the paper and frame layer.
Resize at 30 - Smart Size. Arrange it in the left frame.

Open the tube. Copy - Paste, as a new layer. Rezise if needed an move it to the right.
Adjust - Sharpness - Sharpen.
Apply drop shadow:
V: -2 H: 5
O: 65 B: 8

Now open, Copy and paste as a new layer and resize these elements:
WH-Skull Staff
WH-Dead Bush #1 x2
WH-Spider #1
WH-Skulls #1
WH-RazerBlade #2
WH-Ivy x2
WH-Candle #1
WH-Black Cat
WH-Candle #3

Apply sharpen to all of the elements and drop shadow:
V: 0 H: 2
O: 45 B: 5

Add your name and copyright info. If you want a non animate tag, save now as jpg or png.

To animate:
Activate the layer with the ghost. Change the Opacity to: 20. Edit - Copy Merged.
Open Animation Shop. Paste as a new animation. Back to psp. 
Now change the Opacity to: 30. Copy Merged and Paste after current frame in Animation Shop.
Repeat the previos steps, but change the opacity to:

You will have 11 frames. Edit - Select All. 
Press: Alt + Enter to change the speed to 21.
If you like it save as gif.
You're done!

13 octubre 2011

Just a Note

Supplies Needed: 
Tube of choice. I am using the art of Jay Trembly from SATC. You can purchase the tube: here 
Scrap kit Just a note... (PTU) by: Skys Scraps. You can purchase it here
Mask by Gems Masks here
Font here

Open a new image: 600x600
Floodfill with white.
Open the paper: SkyScraps-Paper6.
Copy - Paste, as a new layer.
Layers - Load mask: gemsmask21 - Merge group.
Open: SkyScraps-E3. Resize and duplicate 2 more times. Arrange them in the top.
Open: SkyScraps-Frame15
Copy - Paste, as a new layer. Resize at: 70 percent (Smart Size)
Open the paper: KSkyScraps-Paper13. Resize at: 80 percent (Smart Size)
Move the layer below the frame. Activate the: freehand selection tool and make a selection:

Selections - Invert. Edit - Clear. Deselect.
Open the closeup or the tube, resize if you need it. Move it to the left part of the frame.

Resize and arrange them in the right side of the frame, move these layers below the tube.
Select the frame layer.
Open and resize:
SkyScraps-Doodle2. Image - Free rotate - Left 90.
SkyScraps-Butterfly1. Image - Free rotate - Left 20.

Shadow for the elements:
v: 0
H: 2
O: 55
B: 4

for the frame:
v: 3
H: 3
O: 60
B: 5

SkyScraps-Wordart1. Resize at: 40 percent (Smart Size). Lower the opacity to: 40.
Duplicate, move it a little to the left and change the opacity to: 80.
Add your name and copyright. If you want a non animate tag, save now as jpg or png.
To animate:
Now activate the paper layer. Select your magic wand.

And start clicking in the light grey strip. (hold shift key in your keyboard)

Effects - Plugins - Eyecandy 4000 - Fur:

Deselect. Copy Merged.  Open Animation Shop. Paste as a new animation. Back to psp.
Edit - Undo (2 times). Apply Fur again but change the random seed to: 170
repeat the "process" (deselect, copy, paste in AS, undo x2)
and now change the random seed to:  760
copy merged and Paste After current frame.
Press: Alt + Enter to change the speed to 17. If you like it save as gif.
You're done!

08 octubre 2011

Autumn Rocker

Supplies Needed: 
Tubes of your choice. I am using a tube by Gemini Creationz. You can purchase the tube: here 
Scrap kit Autumn Spice (FTU) by: Topcats Tagz  here

Open a new image: 600x600
Open: element 16. Copy - Paste, as a new layer. With the magic wand click inside of the frame. 
Selections - Modify - Expand: 5 

Open: paper5. Copy - Paste as a new layer. Move it below the frame.
Resize at 70 - Smart Size. Selections - Invert. Edit - Clear. 
Selections - Invert. (do not deselect)

Open the close up of the tube. Copy - Paste as a new layer. move it to the right side. 
Selections - Invert. Edit - Clear. Selections - Invert. (do not deselect)
Change the blend mode to Screen.

Open: element 8. Image - Mirror. Copy - Paste, as a new layer. 
Selections - Invert. Edit - Clear and Deselect

Open: element 28. Copy - Paste, as a new layer. Resize at 70 - Smart Size. 
Move it a little to the bottom,  over the frame layer.

Open, Copy - Paste, as a new layer these elements from the kit:
element 36
element 9
element 7
element 43
element 20
element 21
element 22 
element 5
element 31
element 41
element 23 (in the bottom)

apply drop shadow:
V: 1 H: 2
O: 60 B: 5

Open the tube. Copy - Paste, as a new layer. Rezise if needed an move it to the left.

Apply drop shadow:
V: 0 H: 4
O: 50 B: 5

Add your name and copyright. Save now as jpg or png.
You're done!

06 octubre 2011

An Award for me xD

This award is from Christina from Tragedy's Creationz  and Bibi from Bibi's Collection thanks a lot for the award , they're great artists with an awesome style!!